WAMS (World Assosciation of Medical Sciences)

Journal of Clinical Trials

The discrepancy between the number of saved lives with COVID-19 vaccination and statistics of Our World Data


Author(s): Amrit Srecko Sorli*

Our World Data reports that in 2021, 6.08 million more people died than in 2020. Several articles claim that COVID-19 vaccination in 2021 saved 14 million lives. Their proposition that COVID-19 vaccination saved lives was not proved by statistical data. These articles' calculations evaluate how many people would die without the vaccination. But it was never proved that vaccination saved lives. Statistical data confirm that the mortality of the vaccinated part of the population in 2021 was 14.5% higher than the mortality of the unvaccinated part of the population. The idea of saving lives with COVID-19 vaccination contradicts statistical data.